116th St & Broadway, New York, NY 10027

Satyajit Bose

Satyajit Bose
Faculty Advisory to CSFPN & Associate Director, Sustainability Management at Columbia University 

Satyajit Bose is Lecturer at Columbia University, where he teaches sustainable investing, cost benefit analysis and mathematics and serves as Associate Director of the Program in Sustainability Management. Satyajit is also Co-Chair of the University Seminar in Sustainable Finance, a forum for faculty and finance practitioners to discuss and research methods to use the financial system, with the help of technology, innovative design, and disruptive change, to mobilize capital for sustainable development and widespread beneficial impact. His current research interests include the optimal use of a broad array of environmental performance metrics for long-horizon investment choices.

Satyajit has extensive expertise in investment banking, asset management, financial restructuring and automated weather risk management. Among other positions, he was a mergers & acquisitions banker, directed quantitative trading strategies at a convertible arbitrage hedge fund managing $1.5 billion in assets and developed machine learning algorithms to optimize weather-based decision tools.

Satyajit Bose holds a B.A. and a Ph.D. in economics from Columbia University.